Understanding and engaging in the world of politics can be very frustrating, yet we have a duty to speak up, to have our voice and vote counted, for ourselves and for future generations. Come get informed and make educated decisions about the politics of New Jersey. If you think politics doesn’t affect you just take a look at your paycheck; health costs have gone up and raises down. Look at your property tax bill and the cost increases. Order on Amazon; now you are charged 7% state sales tax. All these items are a direct result of New Jersey politics. We can no longer afford to be ill-informed. Join us Wednesday, April 16 at 5:30 for an engaging (and entertaining) walk through New Jersey politics. Dinner provided at 5pm, workshop begins at 5:30.
Reserve your seat (and meal) by contacting Sandi Greco at greco@atlantic.edu now.
Hope to see you there!